FREE. That word is magic to many people in the nonprofit world.
I am happy to share with you a few of my current free and low cost technology platforms that make running a nonprofit a little easier!
I cook A LOT. Cooking as much as I do means that grease eventually accumulates on every surface of my kitchen. That being said, I’m pretty good about keeping my house clean. I wipe down surfaces frequently and enlist my children to do their fair share of keeping up with daily housekeeping. But then this morning I looked at the vents on my over-the-range microwave. I wish I had taken a before picture to show you how gross they were, but it didn’t hit me until after I finished cleaning them. So here is something to give you the idea of what they looked like. Photo courtesy of www.serenabakesimplyfromscratch.comOnce you are done reading this post, you can head on over to Serena’s blog and learn how to clean yours as well! The reason I didn’t take a picture was because I didn’t realize what I was doing at the time. You may be thinking, of course you knew what you were doing, you were cleaning.
But I wasn’t cleaning and this is why you should be totally judging me. |